2345首页 » 动物百科 » Limonia neopulchripennis

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 大蚊科 »

名字:Limonia neopulchripennis
学名:Limonia neopulchripennis
Belongs to the pulchripennis group; general coloration yellowish gray, the praescutum with three very extensive black stripes; posterior sclerites of mesonotum black; femora yellow, the tips conspicuously black; extreme base and apex of tibia browhish black; wings whitish, heavily patterned with brown, including a series of five costal areas, the second and third of which have pale centers in cell C; veins issuing from cell 1st M2 very short; abdomen black, the posterior borders of the segments narrowly gray; male hypopygium with the tergite narrowly transverse, the caudal margin straight or nearly so, with small inconspicuous lateral tubercles; a single rostral spine. Male. - Length about 6.5-7 mm.; wing, 7-8 mm. Female. - Length about 7.5 mm.; wing, 8 mm.